Wednesday 25 March 2015

To my Angelic Teacher :)

Remember how I walked into my school?
On tiny feet,my first day in school,
With tiny hands,I waved good bye,
With a tear in the corner of my eyes..
Staring at my mother,adorned with maternal tenderness,
she divulged you as my second mother!:-)
Today I am embarrased at my own emotions,
For thirteen years have passed as Newyork minute,
It's time to part and bid farewell
But something I have to tell you,
Which was latent in my heart all days through,
I remember the times when you was there for me,,
You stood close to me like a friend,
there for me untill the end..
I'm really elated to have you with me,
Yo abet me to really see,
what i coukdn't see in me.
You heartened this delicate heart,
to see the real me.
I perceived miracles in you
I felt the pain disappear
You brought me up,when I was feeling down,
You touched me deep,
You touched my inner soul,
You made me do things I have never done
You made me stupendous and marvelous!
For,I owe a lot to you.
When times seemed to be in swift,
You stopped and asked if I'm fine,
Being glad and fortunate ,
I smiled and said "yes" I did.
For,you are heaven sent!
The questions deep within my heart,
confused my humble mind,
When you spoke your word aloud,
It seemed,no longer I was blind!
You was not only a mentor,
Who taught me stuffs I excel today,
But a friend,philosopher and guide.
You made people awestruck,
with your crowning glory of virtues.
You animated my spirits,
You succored me to soar high,
You emboldened me,ascertained me,
That I'm competent with the best.
I will always have a memory of,
The charming archaic curve in your face,
That brimmed my heart with solace,
I will never forget that you entrusted in me,
even when I discredited myself,
The best of,whatever I do,
Whoever I be,I owe it to you,